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Where To Buy Fresh Goat Meat

Diners at Oakland's Oliveto restaurant earlier this month encountered some meat options rarely seen on upscale menus: sheep's milk ravioli with goat sugo, seared goat loin with purslane and lemon, goat sausages with mint and honey, and goat chops fried Milanese style.

where to buy fresh goat meat

"Every night, the goat items were the top sellers," reports Canales, a sign that this flavor-packed red meat, long a staple in Bay Area Latino and South Asian markets, may finally be broadening its reach.

Bill Niman, the Niman Ranch founder who is no longer affiliated with that company, has just begun selling the first goats from his Bolinas property, targeting the Bay Area's high-end restaurants. Nobody is predicting the demise of the porterhouse steak, but goat meat looks to be poised for takeoff.

"I had a hard time selling it for a long, long time," says Marsha McBride, chef-owner of Cafe Rouge, who buys goat from McCormack Ranch in Rio Vista. But dishes like grilled goat brochettes with zucchini and hummus now find plenty of takers in her dining room, and the chef says she has to fight the Cafe Rouge retail meat counter for her share of the carcass.

Goat meat is popular in Mexican kitchens, where it is often rubbed with chiles and spices, then pit-roasted or steamed for birria. Indians and Pakistanis use it in curries, biryanis and yogurt-thickened kormas (braised) dishes. Niloufer Ichaporia King, the San Francisco author of "My Bombay Kitchen" (University of California Press, 2007), says that most Indian lamb recipes are more authentically made with goat. Greeks and Southern Italians celebrate Easter with roast baby goat, and curried goat is a Jamaican favorite.

Virtually all the fresh goat available at Bay Area markets - whether the premium Marin Sun Farms brand, the McCormack Ranch goat at Cafe Rouge or the much less expensive goat at markets like Indus Food Center in Berkeley that sell halal meat (slaughtered in accordance with Islamic law) - are less fatty than lamb and more subtle in taste.

"They're truly a by-product," says Watson of the goats he sells for meat. When they're no longer needed for mowing, their highest use, the goats are brought down from the steep terrain they prefer to flat grassland. There, deprived of their usual workout, they gradually become more tender.

Most local ranchers are using one of two superior breeds of meat goats (as opposed to dairy goats), or a cross between them. The so-called Spanish meat goat, the South African Boer goat and their crosses dominate local herds. Shahid Salimi of Indus Food Center, who sells 60 to 80 goats a week from California and Texas ranches, describes the Boer meat as redder, the Spanish goat meat as pinker.

Despite the popularity of goat in the Mexican community, the Bay Area's Latino markets typically carry only frozen goat from Australia or New Zealand instead of the fresh local product. For special occasions, like a daughter's quinceañera (15th birthday), Mexicans will often buy a whole live goat from a nearby ranch and butcher it themselves, says Jeannie McCormack of McCormack Ranch in Rio Vista, who has sold many goats that way. But for everyday cooking, they settle for the lower-priced frozen meat, which tends to be a little tougher and stronger.

"It's really gamy and sticky," says Luis Contreras of the frozen imported goat. Contreras is co-executive chef at Mexico DF in San Francisco, a high-end restaurant with goat tacos on the menu. Contreras cures the meat overnight in a chile and Tequila rub, then steams it in plantain leaves before shredding it for tacos. "The (goats) from California are not sticky; they're light," says Contreras. "And I don't think they're fatty at all."

The growing availability of fresh goat opens up myriad possibilities for home cooks. Charlene Cannard, a private chef in Sonoma County who cooks goat often, says she treats it just like lamb, adjusting the cooking time according to the age of the animal.

What it costs: Prices for the fresh meat range widely. Bone-in goat shoulder runs about $4.99 a pound at the halal markets in the Bay Area, $7.99 a pound from Marin Sun Farms stand at the Ferry Plaza and Marin Civic Center farmers' markets, and $11.99 a pound for the Niman goat at Bi-Rite Market in San Francisco.

Where to try it: Restaurants including Oliveto (Oakland), Kokkari (San Francisco), Evvia (Palo Alto), Cafe Rouge and Eccolo (both in Berkeley) serve fresh goat dishes. Many Indian and Mexican restaurants also feature goat specialties.

Return meat to the skillet. Add fennel wedges, tucking them between the chunks of meat. Add 2 1/2 cups water. Bring to a simmer, cover and adjust heat to maintain a gentle simmer. Cook until goat is fork-tender, about 2 hours. Stir in the ouzo or Pernod.

If the juices in the skillet seem too thin, use tongs to transfer the goat meat and fennel wedges to a platter. Raise the heat to high and simmer until the juices are reduced and slightly thickened. Return the meat and fennel to the skillet and reheat gently. Taste and adjust the seasoning. Remove from the heat, let cool slightly and serve.

Heat the hummus gently over moderate heat until it is warm but not hot, adding water if needed to thin. Divide among four dinner plates and use the back of a spoon to spread it into a thin bed. Remove the goat from the skewers and place on top of the hummus. Arrange the grilled zucchini around the meat and hummus. Serve immediately.

Goat meat is typically classified in terms of the age of the goat when the meat is processed. Kid meat or capretto refers to the meat of an animal aged 4 months or less, and adult meat or chevon comes from an animal up to 14 months old. (3).

Kid goat meat is the leaner of the two and is quite tender. Its higher water content makes it suitable for several cooking methods. Adult goat meat is a little tougher and works best with slow, moist heat cooking methods to help bring out the flavor (1,3).

There are numerous breeds of goat, each serving a different purpose. Some are better used to produce milk, while others are more suitable for meat consumption. Common breeds of goat meat include the Boer, the Spanish, and the Brush varieties (4).

When it comes to iron, choosing goat meat means getting more for less. Goat meat contains approximately 3.2 mg of iron per 3 ounces (85 grams). This is almost double the amount of iron found in lean beef (1.8 mg), and chicken breast (0.42 mg) (6, 9, 14).

While the nutritional composition of goat meat appears to be superior to some other red meat varieties, eating too much red meat has been suspected to increase cancer risk. However, this is based mostly on observational studies in humans (19).

For a healthier choice, goat meat can be used as a protein source in most recipes. Grilling, roasting, stewing, and pan-frying are only some of the cooking methods that can be used to prepare goat meat.

The potential of goats to produce a high-quality meat is mainly reflected in their healthy fats, low calorie intramuscular fats, saturated fats, and, especially, their high ratios of unsaturated (UFA) and saturated (SFA) fatty acids, as well as hypocholesterolemic and hypercholesterolemic fatty acids. The aim of this study was to collect and compare meat quality parameters for domestic Balkan, Alpine and Saanen goats of the same age. Samples for all tests were taken from musculus gluteus superficialis. Chemical composition, pH value, fatty acid composition, content of volatile compounds, color and overall sensory quality (appearance, texture and smell) were determined. In chemical composition, moisture, fat, protein and ash varied significantly between each of the examined groups as opposed to pH values. Furthermore, among all the examined groups a significant difference was found for fatty acids and volatile compounds. Determined ratio of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) to SFAs was 0.089, 0.085 and 0.071 for Balkan, Alpine and Saanen goat meats, respectively. Regarding that ratio, Saanen goat meat had the most favorable characteristics. Saanen goat meat showed the highest nutritional value. On the other hand, Balkan goat meat had the lowest intramuscular fat content. Measurements of the meat color from all three groups, as well as overall acceptability, showed significant differences between breeds. Obtained results point to the impact of breed on chemical composition and fatty acid profile of goat meat.

According to USDA data, the overall trend in farmers in the United States raising goats for meat has gone up in this century, enough so that in 2008 USDA added meat goats to the list of livestock it tracks annually.

Maine meat goat production is so small, relatively speaking, that USDA lumps that data together with all the New England states, which in and of itself is a tiny percentage of the overall meat goat production in the United States.

Goat meat or goat's meat is the meat of the domestic goat (Capra hircus). The common name for goat meat is simply "goat", while that from young goats can be called "kid", capretto (Italian), or cabrito (Spanish and Portuguese). In South Asian and Caribbean cuisine, mutton commonly means goat meat.[1][2][3][4][5][6] In South Asia, where mutton curry is popular, "mutton" is used for both goat and lamb meat.

Goat is both a staple and a delicacy in world's cuisines.[10] The cuisines best known for their use of goat include African cuisine, Middle Eastern, North African, East African, West African, Indian, Indonesian, Nepali, Bangladeshi, Pakistani, Mexican, Caribbean (Jamaica), and Ecuadorian.[11] Cabrito, or baby goat, is a very typical food of Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico;[12] in Italy it is called "capretto". Goat meat can be prepared in a variety of ways, such as being stewed, curried, baked, grilled, barbecued, minced, canned, fried, or made into sausage. Goat jerky is also another popular variety.

Goat has historically been less commonplace in American, Canadian and Northern European cuisines but has become more popular in some niche markets,[14] including those that serve immigrants from Asia and Africa who prefer goat to other meat.[15] As of 2011[update] the number of goats slaughtered in the United States has doubled every 10 years for three decades, rising to nearly one million annually.[16] While in the past goat meat in the West was confined to ethnic markets, it can now be found in a few upscale restaurants and purveyors,[10] especially in cities such as New York City and San Francisco.[11] Costco stores in the Philadelphia suburbs keep whole frozen goats in a Halal case.[17] Brady, Texas has held its Annual World Championship BBQ Goat Cook-Off annually since 1973.[18] 041b061a72


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